3 Ways To Eat Healthier

Are you looking to start eating healthier but not quite ready to change your diet? Learning how to make new foods sounds complicated and cutting out the foods you love sounds boring. But, somewhere within there you are feeling called to be more healthy with the way you eat. So, lets start with the WAY you eat! It can be that simple! Most of us eat to fast, we try to multitask to get a quick meal in while taking care of emails, driving or talking on the phone. We’ve somehow let eating become this secondary thing that we just have to get done. Isn’t it one of the most important things we can do for our body besides sleep? These three simple steps simply require us to slow down and give some time and attention to the process of eating. By following these steps you are helping your body get the most our of the foods you are eating! It can be challenging to incorporate new habits into our lives so go slow and see if you can put just a littl more thought into how you consume your food Sit back, relax and enjoy your meal!

1. Slow down & CHEW your food (like really, chew it up)

Did you know digestion starts in the mouth? It is the job of your teeth to chew and break down your food. Through chewing you produce saliva. That saliva contains an enzyme that helps break down the food you eat.
The better we chew the easier it is for our food to break down, meaning- the body can use the energy to assimilate the nutrients of your foods rather then spending time breaking it down.

2. Eat in a peaceful environment- when you are relaxed

We're very used to eating on the run. The energy we are experiencing when we are eating becomes the energy of our food. If we are stressed, driving, talking aggressively, flustered etc.. our food takes on these energies.
 Slow down, sit down and try to eat from a place of peace and gratitude. 
Sitting down also contracts the muscles in the abdomen that transmit signals from the stomach to the brain that we are full!

2. Don't drink cold beverages while you are eating (or right before)

How contradictory this may seem, we've been conditioned to grab an icy beverage with our meal. BUT, did you know drinking cold beverages contracts blood vessels and restricts digestion?! When we drink cold beverages while eating the body is busy regulating body temperature and doesn't get to fully focus on digesting and assimilating nutrients. 


Kitchari: A Nutrient-Rich Harmony of Flavors and Origins
